January 2011

Blue Light Special: Killing Cancer With “Light Activation”

A new platinum-based compound that is activated by blue light offers a cancer-killing potency that is up to 80 times higher than that of current platinum-based anti-cancer drugs, according to research led by the University of Warwick. Working in conjunction with researchers at Ninewells Hospital Dundee and the University of Edinburgh, the Warwick team hopes […]

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Could RNA Interference be the Key to Shutting Down Cancer?

Each individual cancer cell displays a multitude of genetic mutations. Among the hundreds of these potentially hazardous mutations, scientists believe that the alteration of one to twelve could be enough to render a caner cell impotent and effectively shut it down within the body. The method currently being proposed to achieve this potentially landmark procedure

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50 Percent of Cancer Patients May Benefit From Oxygen-Carrying Compounds

Engineered proteins that help carry oxygen to cancer tumors may improve the odds of successful treatment for approximately half of all cancer patients. Scientists have long known that low levels of oxygen are a main source of a tumor’s resistance to radiation. It is estimated that 50 percent of all cancer patients have tumors that

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Altered Voltage in “Instructor Cells” May Contribute to Cancer Growth

Unique “instructor cells” recently identified by biologists at Tufts University have been shown to spur melanoma-like growth in pigment cells when membrane voltage is altered. According to researchers, this voltage change triggers a series of events that directly leads to the abnormal growth of melanocytes within stem cells. The new findings could eventually lead to

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Calorie-Balanced Diet May Prevent Cancer

Mounting research suggests that adhering to an energy-balanced diet (consuming only as many calories as you burn) may reduce your risk for cancer. Additionally, the American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR) identifies 12 common cancers that may be spurred by unhealthy diet, insufficient physical activity and improper weight management. These 12 cancers are: Endometrial Esophageal

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