May 2006

Social Security Administration smiles on Libby victims

Anyone who follows the asbestos tragedy is surely aware of the Libby, Montana situation. This mining town has experienced an epidemic of asbestos disease due to a vermiculite mine that W.R. Grace & Co operated there until 1990. The Libby residents have been battling for some redress and the Social Security Administration just announced that

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Tour de Force presentation of evidence against asbestos companies

In article (opinion piece) out of The Herald (Scotland). Writer Joan McAlpine lays out the case for mesothelioma patients: the fact that asbestos companies knew of the hazards and continued to produce this hazardous material. “Mesothelioma sufferers already know what is killing them: exposure to asbestos dust. So they know who is to blame: irresponsible

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Alimta may be pulled from use in Britain because of expense

Some controversey in the UK and a little tension between the medical establishments in Scotland and England. The Scottish Medicines Consortium approved alimta for mesothelioma treatment last year, but now the UK’s National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence, based in England, is saying the drug is too expensive. According to this article, “It is

Alimta may be pulled from use in Britain because of expense Read More »

Another ship saga

A few days ago we mentioned the SS Norway wandering the seas in search of a place to be dismantled. Asbestos and other hazards on board are scaring potential host countries. Now we see out of France, a naval ship in a similar situation. The aircraft carrier Clemenceau pulled into the port at Brest after

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